Wholistic Mystics has Moved!
New Location is:
2211 E Norvell Bryant Hwy.
Hernando, FL 34442
Integrative Services & Metaphysical Boutique
"It's a Whole Vibe"
Retail Store Hours
Tues - Thurs 11-5:00 Fri & Sat. 11-3:00
"Tuning Fork Therapy® involves the use of a variety of different tuning forks in a typical session. A tuning fork is a metal object that has one handle and two tines. The two tines vibrate when they are struck against another object creating sound waves. It is these sound waves that are used to affect the many systems of the physical body. Science has proven that everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies or "notes". All things in nature vibrate to sound, light and color. Science also tells us that sound waves need matter through which to travel. Matter can be anything including air, water, metals, even a wall.
We use this knowledge of sound passing through objects and apply them to the use of Tuning Forks on our own bodies. Sound waves pass through the skin, organs, tissues, right down to the very cells of our bodies. The development of Tuning Fork Therapy® is based on the understanding that sound waves pass through the body and they elicit responses within the body's systems. These systems react to the sound waves and vibrations created and use them to restore to a healthier and more harmonic base."
- Francine Milford, Tuning Fork Therapy®â€‹
On a massage table, chair or floor, clients are fully clothed during a session. A Vibrational Sound Session is non-intrusive, there are no needles, no pain or manipulation involved. Additionally, a sound session can include tuning Forks singing bowls, voice/toning, Tingsha cymbals, bells, drumbeats and/or rainstick. It is not uncommon to experience some re-balancing symptoms after a first session. Water, rest and a 20 minute feet-soak or full-body soak with Epsom, Sea or Himalayan salt are encouraged to flush, relax, ease and neutralize any effects. I will provide further information about this at your initial visit.
Some Science behind the Vibrational Sound Session
The human body, also, is made up of approximately 70% water. Sound travels four times faster in water than in air so this alone makes the human body a natural resonator for sound.
Each of the organs, glands, and cells in our bodies carries its own normal vibration and always remembers it. Tuning forks bring a chiming sound to your ears but also bring a vibration that can be felt in the bones and body. Our nerves are stimulated when we listen to the vibrations of tuning forks.
A study in the 1970's proposed that when one tone is played to one ear, and a different tone is played to the other, the two hemispheres of the brain connect and create a third (internal) tone called a binaural beat. This is said to synchronize the brain, providing clarity, calmness, and faster communication between the mind and the body. Within 30 seconds you can achieve a state of deep relaxation, which might take you 45 minutes to reach through meditation.​
Some Benefits of Tuning Fork Therapy:
Increases physical energy
Releases 'feel good' endorphins​
Provides deep states of relaxation
Synchronizes mind-heart-body rhythms
Opens the meridians and clears the chakras
Expands creativity, clarity, and concentration
Harmonizes the emotional and physical bodies
Integrates the left and right brain thought patterns
Supports healthy circulation and immune system function
Induces the alpha-theta brain states associated with healing
Request your session. Michele will contact you to schedule date/time.
Download and complete the New Client Form above, and bring the completed form with you to your session.
Please note: a $20, non-refundable deposit applies on all scheduled appts.)
Tuning Fork/Vibrational Sound Sessions
$75 - 60 mins​ $65 - 45 mins.
Self-Investment Bundles​​
Tuning Forks & Reiki combo-session (30 mins of each)
​$85 - 60 mins.
Energy Centers (Chakra) Harmonizing
$65 - 45mins.
Tune-In/Tune-up Boost!
$25 - 15 mins.
(Left and Right Brain Harmonizing)
A centering boost and energy refresher.​ This is also good as a sample session.
Private Group Sound Immersion
$240 per group (up to 6 ppl.)
Tuning Fork/Vibrational Sound Therapy for Two
$160 - 60 minutes
​$185 - 90 minutes
(additional 30 minutes for Reflection and Integration designed for couples)
When couples attend a sound healing session together, they experience a unique sense of unity and closeness. This experience can help couples develop a stronger emotional bond and increase their ability to empathize with one another. A unique way to strengthen connection for couples and/or other interpersonal relationships for neutral conflict resolution, communion and connection on deeper levels. A supportive space and environment to allow harmony and clarity to surface.
Who may benefit?
>New Partnerships Relationships
>Pre and Post Nuptials, Vow renewals
>Couples/Families going through change, uncertainty or counseling
>Pre-conception stage
This unique service not only supports romantic relationships (lovers, spouses, partners, significant others, etc.), but also relationships between family members, friends and anyone else with whom you seek a deeper connection or simply wish to enjoy vibrational sound therapy together.
Note: Please let me know if you have a pacemaker, metal implants, pins or other metal bindings are pregnant, have stents, inserted tubing, Colonoscopy bags, catheters or, Aneurysms/blood clots. Glasses, jewelry, watches, and belts should be removed during the session. ​
​Cancellation Policy
We understand that unanticipated events can happen in everyone's life. To be effective and fair to all clients, the following policies are to be honored: 24 hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. If you are unable to give 24 hours advance notice you may be charged the full amount of your appointment. This amount must be paid prior to rescheduling.
No-Show/No Call
Anyone who consciously chooses to forgo their appointment without notification will be considered a no-show and will not be rescheduled.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, we will determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the session actually given, you will be responsible for the full session. Out of respect and consideration for ourselves and other clients, please plan accordingly and be on time.
Note: Once time and energy have been utilized for a service, it is considered rendered. No refunds.​